MacIsaac_2006_PMID_16522208.README Last modified: 2016-05-26 Macisaac KD, Wang T, Gordon BD, Gifford DK, Stormo GD, Fraenkel E (2006) An improved map of conserved regulatory sites for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BMC Bioinformatics 7:113 PMID:16522208 MacIsacc et al. created a new map of regulatory sites that revealed a more elaborate and complex view of the yeast genetic regulatory network than was observed previously. In depth details can be found within the file header of each file. SGD has compiled the following data file from this publication: Data files last modified: 2011-04-13 * MacIsaac_2006_ChIP_chip_TFBSs_V64.gff3 The sequencing reads were originally mapped to the R52-1-1 (2006_01_20) build of the S. cerevisiae reference genome by the authors and lifted over to the latest version (SGD R64-1-1, February 2011) by SGD. The original file is MacIsaac_2006_ChIP_chip_TFBSs_V52.gff3 The features that were not able to be mapped from R52 to R64 are listed in the following files: * MacIsaac_2006_ChIP_chip_TFBSs_V52toV64_unmapped.txt. Additional supplementary information: * * 16522208_additional_data_files.README * 16522208_supplementary_website_files.README * 16522208_supplementary_website_files.tgz The author's website: They also provide a Gbrowse view of the results with options for seeing predicted sites with different cut-offs: